Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ketchikan - Alaska

We have entered the land of the midnight sun,the last frontier: What a buzz!!! traveling along the Inside Passage to Anchorage - already we have seen whales, rain, snow and bears.

Ketchikan is known as Alaska's "First City" because it's the first major community travelers com to as they journey north. The town is located on an island and began as an Indian fishing camp.

Ketchikan, with its abundance of salmon, is also a sportfishing paradise. Its amazing little town.

Depois de 30 hours sem parar - aportamos numa linda e pequenina cidade chamada Ketchikan - a cidade fica ao redor do port. As casas sao todas de madeira e quase todas construidas no rio. Este rio e lotado de salmao que a gente consegue ver a olho vivo.

Beautiful landscape from the ship

Ketchikan - adorei a cidade - neste rio tem muito salmon - alias comemos todos os dias frutos do mar - principalmente camarao e salmao.

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