Julio estava nos esperando na porta do apto (eu aluguei um studio na 51 st com a 5 Av que e do chefe dele) - e logo depois saimos para jantar, com o Juan tb(namorado dele).
We arrive in New York City and immediately had dinner with ana's friends. Excellent French restaurant, very enjoyable
The toy airplane we flew, Montreal to JFK/NYC. We had a excellent trip.
Este pequeno aviao de 40 lugares e que nos trouxe de Montreal para NYC - so para confirmar que so tenho medo de aviao grande - os pequenos voam baixo nao tenho medo. ahaha
Este aviao - da American Airlines - e um aviao Embraer..
oi, Cristina, tudo bem? me chame quando acordar...estamos saindo com uns amigos e queremos que vcs venham tambem...beijos, julio
ps: ligue no Cel do Juan, ok?
Hello Cristina and Peter,
This message is from friends from Holland, Ferry And Thea Verberne
Last thursday Ferry phoned Peters mother because it was her birthday.
She told us that you were in Canada and Amerika.
I look at your blog and saw your site. You had a wonderfull trip again and enjoy it.
Here everything is fine. Life goes on.
A lot of loves from Ferry and Thea Verberne and enjoy your trip
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