Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sunday in Chelsea

Passamos o domingo com o Julio e o Juan passeando ao redor de onde eles moram - no Chelsea e

no West Village. Nos divertimos bastante..

Chelsea Market - a sculptured seating

The market is a fantastic indoor food market with the original brickwork and steel beams exposed.

steel doors

Peter with Julio and Juan - our friends who live in New York. Julio is Ana Cristina's old friend from Brasil. Spending a great Sunday together. Excellent day.

Enquanto eu saboreava uma sopa de caranguejo eles posavam para fotos.

No pier de Chelsea.

Passeando pelo West Village

Cartao postal de NYC

Neste bar que comecou a revolucao gay de 1969.

Um bonito painel do restaurante cubano onde paramos para tomar um cafe.


micaela said...

Dear Ana & Peter,
We've been amazed following your itinerary! You've seen so many wonderful places and learned so many interesting things! I wish I were there with you! George was so impressed especially about Alaska and Canada, he always wanted to visit these places. Anyway, I can't wait to talk to you about everything you've seen and what impressed you most! Mihaela & George

micaela said...

Thanks for the beautiful postcard from Canada! Love Mihaela

Travel Itinerary

Travel Itinerary