Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunny day at Lake Louise

Alberta's Mountain Parks are the jewel of the Canadain Rockies, a 20.000 sq km preserved wildenerness and UNESCO World Heritage Site.. Within the parks are the towns of Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper.

Depending on the stillness of the water and the angle of the sun, the lake's color will appear slightly different from each viewpoint and on each visit.

Como voces ja observaram eu estou fazendo um album de fotos pra mim neste blog - nao tenho palavras - e muito, mais muito bonito o Canadian Rocky Mountains - so vindo pra sentir o que estamos sentindo e vendo a todo momento.

Spectacular lake louise, give you the same sensation as when you first arrive in Venice. So romantic.

Strolling around the Lake. We walked about 5 km return.

Its a busy place and we stayed there on the long weekend. Definitely, a place to visit when you are in Canada.

Just yummy.

A ground squirrel, so cute.. There all over the place.

Este e o famoso hotel que fica em frente do lago - a vista e maravilhosa

The famous Fairmont Hotel at Lake Louise. How many times has this photo been taken.


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